Azande King Calls on Equatoria Teak to Expand Teak Plantation Projects

By Jackson Gaaniko

His Majesty the King of Azande kingdom, Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue, has urged the management of Equatoria Teak company to extend their teak plantation projects to other Counties in Western Equatoria. The king believes that this expansion will not only support local farmers but also contribute to the growth and development of the region.

During his visit to the company in Nzara County on January 3rd, 2024, the Azande king emphasized the importance of planting various types of trees in farms. 

“It is everyone’s responsibility to have a farm with a diverse range of trees, including teak. This will benefit future generations, just as our forefathers planted mangoes, guavas, and teak that we enjoy today,” he started.

King Atoroba’s call for the expansion of teak plantation projects comes as a means of promoting sustainable farming practices and ensuring the availability of valuable resources for years to come. 

By encouraging the planting of teak and other trees, the king hopes to create a thriving ecosystem that supports both the local community and the environment.

The management, workers, community leaders, and staff of Equatoria Teak were present during the king’s briefing. They expressed their gratitude for the king’s support and pledged to work towards the expansion of teak plantation projects across Western Equatoria.

Equatoria Teak, known for its expertise in teak plantation, has been instrumental in promoting sustainable forestry practices in the region. With the king’s endorsement, the company is expected to further its efforts in expanding teak plantations to benefit not only the local economy but also the overall well-being of the Azande kingdom.

As the call to action reverberates throughout the region, it is hoped that more farmers and stakeholders will be inspired to contribute to the growth of teak plantations.