Dr. Machar Raises Doubts over Country’s Readiness for Upcoming Elections

In a meeting held on Thursday, January, 11th, 2024. South Sudan’s First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, expressed his concerns about the country’s readiness for the upcoming general elections scheduled for December 2024. The meeting, which took place in Juba, involved Mr. Nicholas Haysom, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan and head of UNMISS.

Dr. Machar stressed the importance of meeting certain prerequisites for fair, free, and credible elections. These prerequisites include the full implementation of security arrangements, the repatriation of refugees, conducting censuses, establishing a permanent constitution, and allocating funds for election-related activities. While Dr. Machar expressed his readiness for the elections, he made it clear that the country is not yet adequately prepared for such a significant event.

During the meeting, Mr. Haysom commended Dr. Machar’s commitment to the peace agreement and assured him of UNMISS’ support in creating a conducive environment for free and fair elections. 

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) will work closely with the government to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to meet the prerequisites outlined by Dr. Machar.

The meeting also addressed the pressing humanitarian situation faced by Sudanese refugees. Dr. Machar expressed his commitment to collaborating with UNMISS and other relevant actors to provide the necessary aid and support to those in need. The discussion highlighted the importance of addressing the humanitarian crisis alongside the preparations for the upcoming elections.

As South Sudan continues to navigate its path towards peace and stability, the concerns raised by Dr. Machar highlight the need for careful consideration and thorough preparations before holding the general elections in December 2024. 

The support of UNMISS and other international partners will be crucial in ensuring that the elections are conducted in a fair and credible manner, allowing the people of South Sudan to exercise their democratic rights freely.