CEPO Advocates for Credible and Peaceful Elections in Meeting with Vice President

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) held a significant and consultative meeting with South Sudan Vice President Taban Deng Gai, head of the Infrastructure cluster, to discuss the upcoming national elections scheduled for December 2024. 

The meeting focused on the preparation and ensuring the elections are credible, free, fair, and peaceful.

During the meeting, Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, expressed the organization’s commitment to conducting the December 2024 elections without any delay or further extension of the transitional period.

He emphasized the need for genuine and timely political will and commitment to accomplish the pending tasks of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) before the election day.

One of the key factors highlighted by Yakani was the importance of timely and adequate funding for constitutional making, political party registration, and the overall conduct of democratic and peaceful elections. 

CEPO firmly rejected any attempts to extend the transitional period, emphasizing that failure to hold elections would result in the establishment of a technocrat government through a national inclusive political dialogue consensus.

The meeting also concluded that an unrestricted open political and civic space is crucial for the next transitional political process. This includes transparent national funding, timely completion of the unification of forces, and a commitment to non-violence in the face of the upcoming elections.

CEPO’s advocacy and lobbying efforts aim to ensure that the December 2024 elections in South Sudan are conducted in a credible, free, fair, and peaceful manner. 

The organization remains committed to working with government officials and stakeholders to achieve this goal and promote democracy in the country.