Activist Accuses South Sudan Police of Unlawfully Holding Bil Kur in Detention

By Majur Chol Khor 

Juba – Bil Kur Nyiel, Co-Founder of Junubin Chronicles, a National Youth-led Organization based in Juba, is still being held illegally by the police, according to Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director for INTREPID South Sudan (ISS). 

It has been over 30 days since his arrest on January 4th, and legal efforts to secure his release have been frustrated. He has been denied bail, no charges have been raised against him, and he has been denied access to a fair trial in court.

Bol condemned the continuous violation of Bil Kur Nyiel’s rights, freedoms, and the laws of the land. He also expressed his awareness of “people from above” who are behind these violations and called for the immediate release of Bil Kur Nyiel, warning that the violators will be exposed.

Last month, three youth activists detained with Bil Kur Nyiel were released following an application made by their lawyer to the Public Prosecutor Attorney. Delighty Keji, Bafora Santelo, and Sonia Akon Gak were discharged after their lawyer’s plea. 

Bol expressed his appreciation to the Public Prosecutor Attorney for granting bail to the activists and called for the immediate release of Bil Kur Nyiel, who remains in police custody.

Bil Kur Nyiel, Bafora Santelo, and Delighty Keji, all employees of Junubin Chronicles, were arrested on January 4th, 2024. The situation worsened when their colleague, Biar Ajak Marol, went missing on October 4th, 2023, and has yet to be found.

According to reports, Bil and Bafora had been actively searching for their missing colleague, Biar, and even attempted to hold a press conference, which was denied by the National Security Service (NSS). 

The fact that Bil Kur remains in detention while his colleagues have been released raises concerns and questions about the case.

Under South Sudanese laws, any suspect arrested is entitled to bail after spending 24 hours in police custody or must be arraigned before a court of law. However, this has not been the case for Bil Kur, who is currently spending sleepless nights in police custody without any public charges made against him.

It is unclear why Bil Kur has been left in custody while his colleagues were granted bail after a police investigation. Civil society activists are calling for the investigation to be made public to determine whether he is guilty of any charges or not.

The family and supporters of Bil Kur anxiously await his release and the resolution of Biar Ajak Marol’s disappearance. 

The international community is closely monitoring the developments and urging the South Sudanese authorities to uphold the principles of justice and human rights.