Activists Call on Councilors to Hold Mayor of Bor Municipality Accountable for Road Renaming

By Majur Chol Khor

Bor – A debate has sparked in Bor Municipal Council regarding the renaming of roads within its jurisdiction without clear guidelines or procedures.

The issue has caught the attention of Bol Deng Bol, Executive Director of INTREPID South Sudan (ISS), who is calling on the Municipal Council to summon Mayor John Tiopich Achiek to explain his unilateral decisions.

Naming and renaming roads is a common practice worldwide, aimed at reflecting the multicultural nature of societies and fostering identification and recognition. However, in the case of South Sudan, this process lacks clear definition, leading to ambiguity and inconsistency.

Bol points out that the Local Government Act of 2009 does not provide specific guidelines for the naming and renaming of roads, leaving the responsibility in the hands of the Municipal or Town Council.

Mayor John Tiopich Achiek has been accused of assuming constitutional powers by making laws and orders without seeking the consent of the Municipal or Town Councilors. Despite the Councilors’ authority to nullify or summon the Mayor to explain his actions, their silence has been prevalent in most cases.

The recent case involves the renaming of a road connecting Hai-Machuor Highway to Malual-chaat. Mayor Tiopich issued Order No. 16/2024, naming the road H.E. Denay Jock Chagor road in honor of the Governor of Jonglei State. However, Bol emphasizes that the powers invoked by the Mayor under sections 57 and 40 of the Local Government Act, 2009 are not defined or granted for such actions.

In light of these concerns, Bol calls for the Municipal Council to summon Mayor John Tiopich to explain the decision-making process behind the renaming of roads after prominent figures. Additionally, there is a pressing need to establish clear procedures to guide the naming and renaming of all roads within the jurisdiction of Bor Municipal Council or the state as a whole.

Bol suggests convening a workshop to address this issue and develop a standardized procedure, with INTREPID South Sudan (ISS) offering their willingness to contribute to the organization of the workshop.

By establishing clear guidelines, the naming and renaming of roads can be conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner, fostering a sense of community pride while honoring deserving individuals.

The Municipal Council and Mayor John Tiopich Achiek have yet to respond to these concerns and the call to summon the Mayor.