INTREPID South Sudan Condemns Ambush on Humanitarian Convoy in Jonglei State

On Saturday, 9th March 2024, a convoy of the World Food Programme (WFP) en route to Nyirol County of Jonglei State to provide food aid to returnees was ambushed, resulting in the tragic death of the driver and looting of the supplies. This despicable act has been met with strong condemnation from INTREPID South Sudan.

“I strongly condemn this attack on the humanitarian convoy and send our condolences to the family of the victim and the Eritrean community in Jonglei State,” Said Bol Deng Bol, INTREPID, Executive Director

“This incident occurred within the territory of Jonglei State, and we call on the Government of Jonglei State to take swift action to apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for this heinous act. It is essential to address impunity in order to curb lawlessness,” Bol added.

Hon. Elizabeth Nyadak John, Minister of Information and Communication for Jonglei State, expressed the government’s outrage over the attack, attributing it to criminals suspected from Greater Pibor Administrative Area. The targeted trucks were transporting food items intended for returnees who had recently resettled in the northern part of Jonglei State and were reliant on WFP support.

Following the incident, the government of Jonglei State has made a resounding call for the authorities in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area to cooperate in apprehending the perpetrators and ensuring that justice is served. Additionally, Minister Nyadak John extended heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased driver and emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing such senseless acts of violence.

The ambush on the WFP convoy has underscored the ongoing challenges faced by humanitarian organizations in delivering crucial aid in conflict-affected regions of South Sudan.

The condemnation and calls for action from INTREPID South Sudan and the government of Jonglei State serve as a united front against such attacks and a demonstration of their unwavering commitment to upholding the rights and safety of humanitarian workers and beneficiaries.

As investigations into the ambush continue, the joint efforts of relevant authorities are imperative to ensure that those responsible are held accountable and measures are taken to prevent the recurrence of such unacceptable acts.