CEPO Urges Responsible Social Media Use Amid Rising Tensions in South Sudan

Juba – In a bid to address the escalating use of hate speech, propaganda, and fake news on social media platforms in South Sudan, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) is calling for responsible online behavior among users.

The recent incidents of unrest, including the arrest of Juba City’s former mayor, land grabbing in Lado Payam of Juba County, the killing of 12 individuals, and the abduction of 15 children in Pochalla County, have led to a surge in hostile online rhetoric and misinformation.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, highlighted that the upcoming elections in December 2024, combined with the economic challenges facing the country, have exacerbated tensions online.

“Many social media users are becoming increasingly aggressive and hostile towards one another, resorting to hate speech and divisive propaganda,” Yakani noted.

While social media platforms are designed to foster peaceful coexistence and constructive dialogue within society, they have often been misused in South Sudan to propagate bullying, insults, and incitements to violence.

Yakani emphasized the need for users to demonstrate responsibility and ethical conduct when engaging in discussions on national issues.

In light of these developments, CEPO is urging all social media users in South Sudan to exercise caution and refrain from disseminating inflammatory or inaccurate information online.

By promoting respectful and informed conversations, the organization aims to steer social media discourse in a direction that supports unity and progress in the nation.