Episcopal Church of South Sudan Acquires Aircraft for Gospel Outreach

In a significant boost to their mission and discipleship efforts, the Episcopal Church of South Sudan has welcomed a new aircraft dedicated to spreading the gospel across the country. The Primate of ECSS Dr. Justin Badi Aroma, alongside other church leaders, were present at Juba International Airport to receive the plane amid a spirit of excitement and anticipation.

The announcement came on the 11th of April 2024 when ECSS revealed that the aircraft would play a crucial role in advancing their mission work throughout South Sudan. This marks the second aircraft acquired by the church for this purpose, underscoring their commitment to reaching communities far and wide with the message of faith and hope.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Justin Badi Aroma expressed his gratitude for the new addition to their fleet, emphasizing the importance of utilizing such resources to enhance their outreach efforts. The dedication of the aircraft symbolizes a major step forward in the church’s ongoing mission to touch lives and spread the teachings of Christianity in the region.

With this latest development, the Episcopal Church of South Sudan is poised to reach even more remote and underserved areas, bringing the light of faith to those who may have previously been beyond their physical reach. The acquisition of the aircraft signals a renewed vigor and determination to fulfill their divine calling with renewed zeal and enthusiasm.

The entire congregation eagerly anticipates the positive impact this aircraft will have on their ability to carry out their evangelical work, affirming their unwavering commitment to serving as messengers of peace, love, and compassion in a world that is in constant need of spiritual guidance.