Generous Donation of 1 Million SSP Pledged by Prominent Figure to Support IDPs in Rokon Payam Amidst Clashes in Western Equatoria State

By Jackson Gaaniko

In an encouraging and empathetic gesture, Mr. Mboriman Mbory, a respected political figure in Western Equatoria State, has stepped forward with a generous pledge of 1 million South Sudanese pounds to aid the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Minga Payam seeking refuge in Rokon Payam.

Mr. Mbory expressed his heartfelt commitment to supporting those affected by the recent clashes in Mundri West County, highlighting the urgent need for solidarity and assistance during this challenging period. He stated, “It is our moral duty to stand together and provide aid to our fellow citizens facing displacement and hardship. Every contribution, big or small, can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need.”

The fundraising committee, led by Dr. Samuel Night Pati, Mr. Charles Koro Elikana, and Hon. Felix Sunday Khamis, has been actively mobilizing resources and support for the IDPs. The community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive, with donations exceeding 900,000 SSP at the recent fundraising event held at Saint Thomas Parish Church in Juba.

In addition to monetary contributions, essential supplies such as food, clothing, and hygiene products are being generously provided to alleviate the immediate needs of the displaced families. The committee continues its efforts to secure vital items like flour, beans, cooking oil, salt, and soap for the IDPs, emphasizing the importance of sustained assistance from individuals and organizations alike.

As the call for solidarity echoes across communities, the resilience and compassion of the South Sudanese people shine through in times of adversity. By working together and extending support in any capacity, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by conflict and displacement.

For those interested in contributing to the humanitarian efforts for IDPs from Minga Payam, please contact the dedicated committee members for more information on how to lend assistance and support.