Vice President Igga Honors Newlyweds at Reception Ceremony

In a heartwarming celebration of love and union, the Vice President of the Republic and Chairman of the Economic Cluster, Gen. Prof. Wani Igga, graced the reception ceremony of Eng. Joko Wani Sule and Dr. Suphia Poni Ambros at Freedom Hall.

The ceremony, held yesterday evening, was an intricate blend of tradition and modernity as the couple embarked on a new chapter in their lives. Vice President Igga took to the stage to deliver a touching speech, congratulating the newlyweds and sharing anecdotes that shed light on their family backgrounds.

A notable mention was made by the Vice President about the groom’s grandfather, Late Abdulrahman Sule, who played a significant role in the liberation struggle of South Sudan. This historical connection added depth and significance to the joyous occasion.

Moreover, Vice President Igga highlighted the commendable qualities of the bride’s family, describing them as responsible parents who have raised their children successfully. The sentiments echoed throughout the hall, resonating with families and friends gathered to witness the union of Joko and Suphia.

The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries including Hon. Agnes Lagu, the National Minister of Agriculture, and Hon. Sirisio Zachariah, CES Minister of Education. The presence of National and State MPs added to the prestigious atmosphere, symbolizing the unity and support extended to the newlyweds from all corners.

As the evening unfolded with laughter, music, and heartfelt conversations, it was evident that the love shared between Joko and Suphia had brought together a diverse group of individuals in celebration of their special day. The reception ceremony will undoubtedly be remembered as a momentous occasion that united families, friends, and well-wishers in a spirit of joy and happiness.