Citizens of Jonglei State Demand Government Action on High Cost of Living

Group of Protesters in Bor, June 17, 2024

In a passionate plea to His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, the citizens of Jonglei State have come together to voice their grievances over the endlessly rising cost of living that has left many suffering and starving. The letter, penned by representative Nyibol Buol Jiel, encapsulates the desperation and unity of various community groups, including professional associations, women’s business groups, students, and civil society organizations.

The diverse coalition of Jonglei State’s populace stands united in their demand for immediate government intervention. The letter details the dire circumstances faced by the citizens, where basic necessities such as food, medication, and education have become unaffordable luxuries. The situation is further exacerbated by the unjust dismissal of civil servants, over-taxation of small businesses, and delayed salaries that fail to meet the soaring prices of essential commodities.

The letter also highlights the inability of citizens to cultivate their fields due to prevailing insecurity, a factor that contributes significantly to the economic plight. Despite enduring these hardships with the hope that the government is working towards alleviating their suffering, the citizens express their disappointment as conditions continue to worsen.

With a resounding declaration of “Enough is Enough,” the citizens of Jonglei State demand that the government employs all necessary measures to address the high prices of basic commodities and improve the standard of living. The letter serves as a stark reminder of the struggles faced by the people and their unwavering resolve to seek change. Until their demands are met, they vow to continue peaceful demonstrations.

The letter concludes with a note of gratitude for being heard and a firm commitment to peaceful protest. Copies of the letter have been sent to the Governor, UNMISS, and the media, ensuring that the voices of Jonglei State’s aggrieved citizens reach the ears of those in power and the public alike.