Over 700,000 Vulnerable South Sudanese Benefit from World Bank-Funded Project as UNOPS and IOM Successfully Close ECRP I Initiative

In a significant milestone for South Sudan, the Enhancing Community Resilience & Local Governance Phase I Project (ECRP I) funded by the World Bank has successfully concluded, with over 700,000 vulnerable individuals benefiting from the initiative. The official closure of the project was marked by a handover ceremony of key infrastructure to the South Sudanese government.

Hon Malony Akau Nai, Acting Chairperson of the Local Government Board, highlighted the impact of the project, stating, “The beneficiary states of Ghazal, Unity State, Upper Nile State, Jongiei State, Northern Bahr El Ghazal State, and Warrap State have seen tangible improvements in various sectors.”

Petronella Kasaka, Country Manager for UNOPS in South Sudan, commended the collaborative efforts that led to the successful completion of ECRP I, emphasizing the positive changes brought to communities in terms of health, livelihoods, and sustainable development.

Firas Rand, World Bank Country Manager for South Sudan, praised the project for addressing essential service needs and strengthening local institutions across the country, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

James Bagonza, Head of Program Support at IOM, acknowledged the dedication and perseverance of all stakeholders involved in the project, noting the lasting impact on beneficiaries and the valuable lessons learned through collaboration and partnership.

The closure of ECRP I marks a significant achievement in improving access to basic services and enhancing local governance capacities in South Sudan. The legacy of the project is expected to endure, benefiting communities and stakeholders in the years to come.