National Campaign Launched to Build Trust and Confidence Among Political Leaders and Citizens in South Sudan

Yesterday marked the official launch of a national campaign aimed at fostering trust and confidence among political leaders and citizens in South Sudan. The campaign is set to run until July 9, 2024, coinciding with the country’s 14th independence day from the rest of Sudan.

Speaking on the importance of the campaign, Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, highlighted the significant deficit in trust and confidence among political leaders, citizens, and between the two groups. He emphasized that this deficit has been a major contributing factor to the current political and economic instability in the country, which has persisted since 2013.

Yakani stressed the critical need for all South Sudanese to work towards rebuilding trust and confidence in order to transition the country from violence to peace. He warned that without concerted efforts to address the trust deficit, South Sudan may continue to struggle with achieving successful political transitions.

In closing, CEPO urged political leaders in South Sudan to prioritize the well-being of their citizens above personal interests. The organization hopes that through this campaign, positive steps can be taken towards creating a more cohesive and trustworthy relationship between leaders and the people they serve.