Azande King Advocates for Sustainable Agriculture: Emphasizing Natural Produce Over Imports

By Jackson Gaaniko

In a compelling address, His Majesty King Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue of the Azande Kingdom called upon the community to prioritize natural produce over imported goods and to eschew the use of chemical fertilizers on their farms. Speaking at the inauguration of a 30-hectare farm in Rimenze, the King underscored the kingdom’s commitment to enhancing agricultural production through its bountiful lands.

Emphasizing the kingdom’s potential to generate ample food for its populace without relying on external sources, King Atoroba extolled the fertility of the land as negating the need for additional fertilizers. “We possess rich soil that thrives without artificial enhancements,” he remarked, highlighting the kingdom’s capability for self-sufficiency.

The monarch implored partners and stakeholders to collaborate in raising awareness about the detrimental effects of chemical fertilizers. He iterated that these substances pose neither advantages nor health benefits to the people. “Western Equatoria State is privileged with two agricultural seasons commencing in February and July, a distinction other regions do not share,” the King asserted.

Encouraging the populace to embrace agriculture as a means of fostering sustainable development, King Atoroba urged against idleness and advocated for active engagement in farming practices. “I call upon all members of the community to shun inactivity and embrace agriculture for enduring progress,” he asserted.

The launch of the expansive farm attracted over 300 residents from Rimenze, who eagerly witnessed the King’s visionary initiative. Their presence underscored the community’s ardent enthusiasm and solidarity with the monarch’s agricultural goals.

Expressing heartfelt gratitude to the King for his unwavering support and encouragement of local agricultural methods, residents conveyed their appreciation for his guidance towards reliance on domestic produce. “We are immensely thankful and delighted for our King’s benevolent guidance, which consistently directs us towards the utilization of our indigenous agricultural resources,” stated one resident.

In a plea for further assistance, community members implored the kingdom and partnering entities to facilitate access to market outlets and provide essential farming implements. “We beseech the kingdom and our collaborators to assist us by facilitating market connections for our yields and provisioning us with necessary farming equipment,” they implored.

The event epitomized a significant stride towards sustainable agriculture within the Azande Kingdom, exemplifying a collective endeavor to harness the region’s natural endowments and achieve food security.