A New Year for Media Freedom in South Sudan

As we enter the year 2024, it is crucial that we pay attention to the state of media freedom and freedom of expression in South Sudan. 

Today’s visit of Minister of Information Michael Makuei Lueth to President Kiir to discuss the Ministry’s Strategic Plans for the new year raises important questions about the government’s commitment to these fundamental rights.

Makuei, who is the longest-serving Minister of Information and known for his loyalty to the president, has appealed to the citizens to embrace the spirit of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. While these values are undoubtedly important for the nation’s healing, it is equally important to ensure that the media is free to report on the progress made and hold the government accountable.

One of the significant achievements last year was the handing over of the SSBC facility to the government. This move was seen as a step towards a more transparent and independent media landscape. However, it remains to be seen what strategies Makuei’s ministry will put in place to ensure media freedom and freedom of expression in the country as we approach the upcoming general elections.

The year 2024 is crucial for South Sudan, and it requires a strong focus on media attention and work from the government. 

The citizens must be able to exercise their rights to hold the government accountable and have access to unbiased information. This can only be achieved if there is a genuine commitment to media freedom.

Furthermore, the drafting of the permanent constitution must include voices from the grassroots. It is essential that the government seeks input from the people to ensure that the constitution guarantees the rights of the citizens, including freedom of expression and a free press. This will not only strengthen democracy but also contribute to the stability and development of the nation.

The visit of Minister Makuei to President Kiir presents an opportunity for the government to demonstrate its commitment to media freedom and freedom of expression. 


Majur Chol Khor 

South Sudanese 

Multi-Media Awards~Winning Journalist | Public Relations Specialist | Documentary Expert|Author|

📧 majurcholkhor@gmail.com