Governor Jadalla Takes Strong Stand Against Land Grabbers 

Juba, June 30, 2024 – Governor of Central Equatoria State, H.E. Gen. Augustino Jadalla Kamilo Wani, issued a stern warning to land grabbers in Muluburr village, east of Jebel Lado Payam, denouncing their actions and ordering an immediate halt to their illicit activities.

During a visit to the affected area, Governor Jadalla witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by land grabbers, including threats, displacement, looting, and illegal demarcation of Muluburr. He assured the locals that the government would take decisive action to bring the situation under control.

“Nobody should take the law into his/her hands,” Governor Jadalla emphasized, reassuring the affected community that the government would address the issue promptly. He highlighted that the perpetrators were individual land grabbers and not representatives of the government.

Executive Chief Charles Lako of Jebel Lado Payam reported ongoing unrest in the area, with land grabbers resorting to violence and intimidation tactics. “There have been threats, beatings, shooting, and chaos all over in the area,” Lako stated, pointing out the illegally placed pegs marking the seized land.

Emmanuel Angelo, an employee of Jebel Lado Payam, highlighted the deceptive tactics used by the land grabbers, who initially arrived in military vehicles and attire before switching to civilian clothing during the land demarcation process.

The invasion of Muluburr by land grabbers has caused fear and distress among the local population, with reports of forced land grabs and threats against both residents and local authorities. Governor Jadalla’s intervention signals a firm stance against such unlawful practices and offers hope for the affected community.