Improved Medical Services Expected with new Maternity Ward in Mvolo County

The newly constructed Maternity Ward in Mvolo County, Western Equatoria State, was officially inaugurated on Friday, promising to bring more medical doctors to the area.

The project was initiated by Gen. Alfred Futuyo Kataba, the Governor of Western Equatoria, last year and received support from the Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB).

Governor Futuyo stated that the construction of the maternity ward was in response to the call from citizens for a proper delivery facility in the area. He vowed to bring in medical doctors to ensure the facility can operate at full capacity.

In addition to the maternity ward, Governor Futuyo announced plans to construct a road from Mvolo to Yambio starting from March to June of this year. He urged citizens to work hard and support the construction of a boarding school in Mvolo.

Country Manager of CMMB, Mrs. Jacilia John, reiterated the organization’s commitment to supporting health facilities in the state. She stated that CMMB will continue to provide assistance to health workers in the area.