SSFA and CAF Launch Digital Workshop for LFAs’ Secretaries to Improve Club Licensing Process

By Denilson Denike

Juba- The South Sudan Football Association (SSFA) in collaboration with the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has inaugurated a two-day National Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP) workshop for the Local Football Associations’ Secretaries today.

Highlighting the significance of the Club Licensing Online Platform, Mr. Charles Udwar, Vice President of SSFA, emphasized the need for South Sudan to embrace technological advancements. He noted that the traditional analog process of Clubs Licensing was cumbersome and time-consuming.

“We are moving towards a digital era, and it’s imperative that we keep up with the global standards,” said Mr. Udwar. “The Club Licensing Online Platform will streamline the licensing process and make it more efficient for all stakeholders involved.”

Encouraging active participation from the workshop attendees, Mr. Udwar urged them to take the training seriously. He emphasized the importance of integrating the digital platform within their respective LFAs to minimize any potential issues down the line.

On the other hand, Mr. Victor Lawrence, Secretary General of SSFA, elucidated on the benefits of the Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP). He explained that the workshop aimed to equip LFAs’ Secretaries with the necessary skills to implement digital club licensing procedures seamlessly.

“The CLOP workshop is designed to empower LFAs’ Secretaries with the knowledge and tools needed to conduct Club Licensing digitally within their associations,” stated Mr. Lawrence. “By leveraging technology, we aim to enhance transparency, compliance, and overall efficiency in the licensing process.”

The workshop signifies a pivotal step towards modernizing football administration in South Sudan and aligning with international best practices. Participants are expected to leverage the insights gained to enhance the club licensing framework within their respective LFAs, ultimately fostering a more streamlined and effective football ecosystem in the country.