Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative Partners with Central Equatoria State to Launch Trauma Healing Program in South Sudan

In a collaborative effort between Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI) and Central Equatoria state, a trauma healing program has been launched in response to the widespread cases of distress and disorder, particularly mental illness, affecting the people of South Sudan.

Director General of the National Ministry of Peacebuilding, Anthony Angu, highlighted the importance of raising awareness about trauma healing, noting that many young individuals turn to alcohol and drugs as coping mechanisms, a behavior that ultimately leads to devastating consequences.

Conflict Resolution Expert for WPDI, William Ongoro Peter, emphasized the organization’s commitment to supporting communities in conflict resolution and empowering youth and women to drive long-term positive change.

Provincial Secretary for the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, Peter Garang, acknowledged the prevalence of trauma in the country, attributing it to the lasting effects of past conflicts that have impacted countless lives and displaced many within and outside the country.

Central Equatoria State’s Director General for Peacebuilding, James Wani, underscored the significance of the trauma healing initiative, expressing the state government’s dedication to raising awareness and advocating for the mental well-being of its citizens, particularly those grappling with economic hardships exacerbating their trauma.

The launch of the trauma healing program signifies a crucial step towards addressing the mental health challenges facing individuals in South Sudan, promoting healing, peace, and resilience within the community.