Governor Lobong and Chief Administrator Lokoli Undertake Peace Mission in Kuron to End Tribal Clashes

In an effort to quell the rising tension between the Toposa and Murle communities, Eastern Equatoria Governor Louis Lobong Lojore and Chief Administrator of Greater Pibor Administrative Area Lokoli Ame Bullen have made a joint visit to Kuron. The visit aims to address the pressing issue of cattle raiding and child abduction, which has been causing unrest in the region.

During a gathering in Kuron on Friday, Governor Lobong spoke to thousands of people, urging them to denounce these unlawful activities. He emphasized the importance of peace in the region and called upon the population to work together to ensure its preservation. 

“We cannot achieve progress and development if we continue to engage in cattle raiding and child abduction. It is time for us to put an end to these acts and embrace peace,” Governor Lobong stated.

Chief Administrator Lokoli also addressed the crowd, appealing to the Toposa, Jie, Murle, and Kachipo communities to come together and support one another. 

He stressed the need for unity in order to facilitate the delivery of essential services to their respective areas. 

“We must put our differences aside and work towards a common goal. Only through collaboration can we ensure that our communities receive the necessary resources and assistance they require.”

The visit by Governor Lobong and Chief Administrator Lokoli comes at a critical time, as tensions have been escalating among the communities in the region. 

Cattle raiding and child abduction have been the primary sources of conflict, leading to a breakdown in trust and harmony. The joint effort by the two leaders aims to address these issues head-on and restore peace and stability to the area.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is hoped that the visit by Governor Lobong and Chief Administrator Lokoli will serve as a turning point in the region’s history.