President Kiir Demonstrates Commitment to Democratic Process by Attending Oath Taking Ceremony of National Elections Commissioners

By Denilson Denike 

The newly appointed commissioners of national elections commission take oath before President Salva Kiir Mayardit, paving the way for democratic governance in South Sudan

“We are ready to demonstrate to our people in a transparent manner.” – Prof. Abednego Akok Kacuol, Chairperson of the NEC.

In a momentous occasion, the newly appointed commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) of South Sudan have taken an oath before President Salva Kiir Mayardit, signaling a crucial step towards democratic governance in the country.  

Prof. Abednego Akok Kacuol, the Chairperson of the NEC, expressed his gratitude and honor for this important national duty.

Emphasizing the significance of transparency in the upcoming elections, Prof. Kacuol called upon the commission and all stakeholders to immediately commence civic and voter’s education. The aim is to enlighten the public about the elections scheduled for December 2024.

Highlighting the importance of public participation, Prof. Kacuol stressed the need for educating the public about their roles in the electoral process. 

“The public must be educated and aware of their roles to play as the sovereignty is theirs and cannot be achieved unless they register their names, followed by going to the polling stations to cast their votes freely,” He stated.

However, Prof. Kacuol also acknowledged the challenges faced by the commission, which include firm political will towards the elections, availability of resources, NEC premises in various locations, and ensuring security during the elections.

Thabo Aboshu Ajang, a Commissioner of the National Elections Commission, also spoke about the challenges faced by the commission. 

He stated that, “ Our work is for the nation. This is the second time since the referendum in 2010. We have a lot of challenges, but we put them in the hand of God.”

It is important to note that the upcoming elections in December 2024 will be the first democratic election in South Sudan since gaining independence from Sudan in 2011 after a referendum. This significant milestone marks a crucial juncture in the country’s journey towards democratic governance.