Citizens Reject Five-Years Extension Proposal And Calls for Accountability

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, is fiercely longing for stability and progress. The recent proposal of a five-year extension for President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar has ignited a wave of anger and frustration among its citizens.

Instead of accepting this prolonged transitional government, the people are demanding accountability and an end to the political games that have marred their nation’s potential. As news of the extension proposal spread, it was met with disbelief and disappointment.

For years, South Sudanese have endured the consequences of internal conflicts, displacement, economic struggles, and a lack of basic services. They have witnessed their leaders prioritizing tribal affiliations over the greater good of the nation. This proposal felt like a betrayal, perpetuating the same cycle that has hindered progress and exacerbated suffering.

Voices from various corners of the country rose in defiance. Civil society organizations, grassroots movements, and individuals united to express their rejection of the extension and their demand for change.

It became a movement driven by the understanding that South Sudan needs leadership that is responsive, transparent, and committed to the welfare of its people. The citizens of South Sudan, irrespective of their tribal backgrounds, are united in their desire for accountability. They are weary of leaders who exploit divisions and perpetuate tribal-based politics. The calls for a new era of governance that prioritizes justice, human rights, and the rule of law echo from every corner of the nation.

In response to the extension proposal, public demonstrations erupted across major cities and rural areas alike. Their collective voice resounded, demanding that their leaders prioritize the needs and well-being of the nation over their own self-interest.

The international community, recognizing the urgent need to support South Sudan’s pursuit of accountability and justice, has rallied behind the people’s cause.

Diplomatic pressure and aid conditionality have been employed as tools to push for genuine political reforms and discourage the extension proposal. A united front has formed with the shared belief that the time for change is now, and that South Sudan deserves leaders who will steer the nation towards prosperity.

Amidst the outcry and calls for accountability, hope still flickers. The resilience of the South Sudanese shines through their unwavering determination for a better future. The movement for accountability has triggered conversations, opened spaces for dialogue, and inspired the emergence of new leaders who champion the aspirations of the citizens.

As the story of South Sudan unfolds, it is clear that the people have spoken. The demand for accountability transcends tribal lines and political affiliations. It is a collective plea for a South Sudan where leaders are held responsible for their actions, where unity triumphs over division, and where the potential of the nation is unleashed for the betterment of all.

Emmanuel Malual Makuach, the author, is a South Sudanese journalist and researcher who has focused on the impact of social media triggers in the conflicts of 2013 and 2016 in South Sudan. He can be contacted at