Gold and Politic Unite President Kiir and Governor Lobong to Foster Efficient Governance

By Majur Chol Khor

The Dangerous Alliance of Gold and Politics, President Kiir and Governor Lobong Unite to Foster Efficient Governance

In the search for efficient governance, leaders often explore various avenues to attain economic growth and stability. However, when gold and politics intertwine, the potential for corruption, resource mismanagement, and socio-political instability becomes alarming.

Who exactly is Governor Louis Lobong Lojore before we delve further into the subject?

Louis Lobong Lojore’s journey as the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State in South Sudan is a testament to his dedication and leadership skills. Born between 1962 and 1965, he hails from the Toposa ethnic group, one of the largest in the state. With a deep understanding of the region’s dynamics and challenges, he has been a driving force in the development and progress of Eastern Equatoria.

Lojore’s political career took off during the Second Sudanese Civil War, where he rose to the rank of brigadier general in the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF). 

His commitment to serving his community led him to become the secretary of the Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (SSRRA) for Greater Kapoeta. He also served as the Commissioner for Greater Kapoeta and later as the Deputy Governor for Greater Equatoria.

After the civil war ended, Lojore was appointed as the Chief of the National Intelligence and Security Service for the Southern Sector of South Sudan. His experience in governance and security matters made him a valuable asset to the region. As the SPLM State Chairman for Eastern Equatoria, he played a pivotal role in shaping and implementing policies that aimed to uplift the lives of the people.

In 2010, Lojore was elected as the Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, a position he held until 2015. During his tenure, he focused on improving infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems in the state. Under his leadership, Eastern Equatoria witnessed significant progress and development.

In 2015, Lojore was appointed as the Governor of Kapoeta State, where he continued his efforts to bring positive change to the region.

In a historic move, Eastern Equatoria State was re-established in 2020 through a peace agreement. This marked a new chapter in Lojore’s political career as he once again assumed the role of Governor of Eastern Equatoria. With his extensive experience and knowledge of the region, he has been instrumental in rebuilding and revitalizing the state.

As the longest-serving governor in South Sudan, Lojore’s leadership qualities have been evident throughout his career.

During his time as governor, Louis Lobong Lojore has attracted attention for his close relationship with President Salva Kiir Mayardit. Many speculate that their connection goes beyond politics and is rooted in their involvement in the lucrative gold mining industry in Eastern Equatoria.

South Sudan, despite being primarily known for its oil reserves, also has significant gold deposits. The Eastern Equatoria State, in particular, is home to some of the country’s most valuable gold mines. It is no secret that the gold mining industry in South Sudan is highly profitable, and those in power have the potential to benefit greatly from it.

The relationship between Governor Lobong and President Kiir in a report published by Sudan Tribune in 2013 reveals some intriguing details. 

On July 17, 2013, four governors publicly announced their support for President Salva Kiir amidst a leadership contest with his deputy, Riek Machar. The governors of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, Western Bahr el Ghazal state, Western Equatoria state, and Eastern Equatoria state were summoned by the president for a meeting where they discussed governance issues and expressed their support for Kiir’s leadership. 

Eastern Equatoria state governor, Louis Lobong, spoke on behalf of the four governors and stated their unwavering support for the president.

In return, President Kiir promised to support their state administrations. This public display of support by the governors suggests that the power struggle within the ruling SPLM party is still ongoing, with political maneuvering taking place behind the scenes. 

Analysts believe that President Kiir is using his position and influence to shape the opinions and actions of government officials, even going as far as firing ministers and governors who do not align with his political wishes.

Louis Lobong Lojore’s long tenure as governor raises questions about his involvement in the gold mining sector. 

His close ties with President Salva Kiir suggest that he may have the support and protection of the highest levels of government. This raises suspicions of possible corruption and the exploitation of the region’s natural resources for personal gain.

Furthermore, the fact that Lobong is from Kapoeta East County, an area known for its gold mining activities, adds fuel to the speculation. It is not uncommon for politicians to exploit their positions of power to benefit their own communities and personal interests. 

It is essential to investigate whether Lobong has used his influence to control and profit from the gold mining operations in his home county.

The lack of transparency and accountability in South Sudan’s government makes it difficult to ascertain the extent of Lobong’s involvement in the gold mining industry. However, it is crucial to shed light on any potential illicit activities that may be undermining the country’s economic development and exacerbating social inequalities.

Investigating Louis Lobong Lojore’s connections to the gold mining industry in Eastern Equatoria is not only necessary for exposing any corruption but also for ensuring that the region’s resources are being managed in a fair and sustainable manner. 

South Sudan is rich in natural resources, including significant gold deposits. These deposits have triggered intense competition among political elites seeking to exploit the country’s mineral wealth for personal and political gains. 

President Kiir and Governor Lobong’s alliance centers around harnessing South Sudan’s gold resources to bolster their political support and amass wealth, ultimately compromising the nation’s overall development.

Evidence suggests that President Kiir and Governor Lobong’s focus on gold exploitation is driven by personal gain rather than a genuine commitment to efficient governance. By establishing strong political control over gold-rich areas, both leaders are able to facilitate lucrative deals with foreign investors, divert funds meant for public welfare, and consolidate power within their respective spheres.

The alliance between President Kiir and Governor Lobong exacerbates this concern, as both have demonstrated limited accountability and transparency in overseeing South Sudan’s gold mining sector. 

Profits generated from gold sales have failed to trickle down to the general population, exacerbating poverty and inequality, while leaving local communities and the environment vulnerable to exploitation.

The gold-politics nexus also heightens the risk of corruption and triggers armed conflicts. Local armed groups and militias often exploit gold mines to fund their activities, escalating violence and exacerbating existing ethnic tensions. 

The alliance between President Kiir and Governor Lobong provides a conducive environment for favoritism, nepotism, and corruption, further entrenching divisions within the society, leading to political unrest, and hindering efficient governance.

The concentration of power in President Kiir and Governor Lobong’s alliance stifles democratic processes, limiting the capacity for checks and balances. Suppressing dissent and opposition within the political system enables exploitation of gold resources without being held accountable, undermining civic participation, and obstructing the development of transparent and sustainable policies.

The people of South Sudan deserve to benefit from their country’s wealth, and it is the responsibility of journalists and investigators to uncover the truth behind the political and gold nexus in Eastern Equatoria.

Author: Majur Chol Khor

Majur is a multi-media award-winning journalist, public relations specialist, documentary expert from South Sudan. You can easily connect with him through various platforms such as WhatsApp at +254 796 523 948, email at, and social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.