Dozens of Young People from Nadiangere Payam Receive Teaching Training

More than 60 youths from Nadiangere Payam have completed a training program in teaching and education instruction provided by the state Ministry of Education.

During the event, the Governor of Western Equatoria state, Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, urged the youths to implement their newly acquired knowledge, emphasizing the need for educational services to reach the remote community of Nadiangere Payam, which is located 100.5 miles away from Yambio county.

Acting Minister of General Education and Instruction, Hon. Alison Barnabas, encouraged the newly trained teachers to foster a love for their work as they prepare to teach in Nadiangere.

One of the newly trained teachers, Mrs. Susan, expressed her readiness to contribute to the development of Nadiangere, stating that they are now equipped with the necessary skills to do so.

She expressed gratitude to the State Ministry of Education for the valuable training they received in teaching and professional development.