The World Bank Country Manager Visited Yambio

The World Bank Country Manager, Firas Raad, visited Yambio in Western Equatoria State on Monday to assess the government’s development priorities. After meeting with state officials, Raad announced that the World Bank team and the state government have agreed to support the agricultural sector and resilience efforts, among other areas within agriculture.

As a development partner, Raad emphasized that the World Bank is in South Sudan to help improve the country’s economy over the next five years. The focus will be on climate change, promoting resilience to climate shocks, supporting job creation in the private sector, investing in infrastructure, human capital (such as health and education), and strengthening public institutions.

In response, Western Equatoria State Governor, Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, expressed gratitude for the World Bank’s support and highlighted agriculture as a key priority for the state. He urged the World Bank to provide loans to traders and cooperative societies in the state to boost their businesses.

The World Bank has been a major donor to international and national organizations in South Sudan, providing support to both organizations and the government. The deadline for this support and development efforts is set for the next five years.