INTREPID South Sudan Praised Governor Chagor For Supervisory Role in the State

Bol Deng Bol, The Executive Director of INTREPID South Sudan, praised the Governor of Jonglei State for his improved supervisory role in the state.

“In the past, residents of Jonglei State, including us in civil society, had expressed concerns about the Governor’s frequent travels and long stays in Juba, leading to low performance in various ministries and issues such as insecurity and lack of attention to public concerns,” Bol Stated.

However, Bol noted a change in perception among residents in January and February, crediting the Governor’s presence for positive developments in Bor town. These include road clearance by the Municipal Council, the launch of the Jonglei State Development Plan 2022-2024, progress on the construction of the Central Bank Bor town branch, peace dialogues, and efforts by the Ministry of animal resources, fisheries, and tourism to preserve aquatic life and promote sustainable fishing practices.

“We appreciate these efforts by the Government, especially the Governor’s consistent presence in the state. We urge His Excellency to continue supervising public officials diligently and listening to the concerns of the people,” said Bol.

Residents are hopeful that the Governor’s continued presence and oversight will lead to further improvements in Jonglei State.