Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Urges Women to Join Politics and Hold Leadership Positions

In a recent call to action, the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Hon. Mary Nawai, has urged women across the nation to actively participate in politics and strive for leadership roles as the country prepares for elections.

Speaking at the International Women’s Day launch in Juba earlier this week, Hon. Mary Nawai emphasized the importance of women’s involvement in politics. She highlighted the need for both men and women to recognize and appreciate the significant contributions of women in society.

“We must all ensure that women, especially those at the grassroots level, understand their roles and are empowered to actively engage in the political process,” stated Hon. Nawai.

The minister challenged traditional beliefs that limit women to domestic roles, asserting that women are entitled to fully participate in politics, including running for office and campaigning for change.

She stressed the need for women in leadership positions to serve as role models and inspire other women to pursue careers in politics.

Furthermore, Hon. Nawai highlighted the crucial role women play in addressing societal issues, particularly in fostering peace and advocating for important causes such as ending early marriage, promoting girls’ education, and advancing overall educational opportunities.

As the nation gears up for upcoming elections, the minister encouraged women to join political parties to gain a platform for their voices to be heard and to champion the rights and interests of women at all levels of governance.