South Sudan to Review Progress on Sustainable Development Goals in Inaugural Report

By Denilson Deneki

In an exciting development, South Sudan is gearing up to launch its Voluntary National Review of the Sustainable Development Goals in Juba on Thursday. The Deputy Minister for Finance and Planning, Hon Agok Makur Kur, highlighted the importance of this event, emphasizing the country’s readiness to prepare its inaugural report on the SDGs ahead of the upcoming High-Level Political Forum on SDGs in New York in July 2024.

The focus of the report will be on key SDGs including Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education, Climate Action, and Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, with a special emphasis on poverty reduction. Gender Equality will be considered as cross-cutting, with possible inclusion of Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure depending on data availability.

The Voluntary National Review presents a crucial opportunity for South Sudan to assess its progress thus far, identify challenges, and plan for the future.

Hon Agok urged citizens to stay informed through media awareness efforts to actively engage in the review process and implementation of the SDGs. Collective action from everyone is essential for South Sudan to make significant strides towards sustainable development and a brighter future for all its citizens.