South Sudan Civil Society Forum Urges Due Process for Former Mayor Kalisto Ladu

In a press release issued today in Juba, South Sudan, the South Sudan Civil Society Forum (SSCSF) has taken a strong stance against the reported arrest of Mr. Kalisto Ladu by unidentified armed individuals on Easter Sunday. The circumstances surrounding his arrest have raised significant concerns regarding compliance with due process and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms within the South Sudan Legal Framework.

The SSCSF emphasizes that the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan, 2011 as amended, guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens. Article 12 of the Constitution explicitly protects the right to liberty and security of person, ensuring that individuals are not unlawfully detained. Moreover, Article 19 (4) dictates that any arrested individual must be promptly brought before a court of law within 24 hours of their detention.

Given the constitutional provisions and the reported violation of Mr. Ladu’s rights, the SSCSF is calling for immediate action to ensure due process is followed.

It is crucial for authorities to adhere to legal procedures and respect the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution to uphold the rule of law and maintain public trust in the security and justice system.

The SSCSF urges relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate Mr. Ladu’s arrest, disclose his whereabouts, and grant him access to legal representation. Upholding due process is essential for safeguarding individual liberties and fostering a just society based on the rule of law.

The SSCSF calls upon the authorities holding Mr. Ladu to either immediately release him in the absence of any legal justification for his detention or transfer him to police custody if there are legal grounds to press charges. If transferred, Mr. Ladu must be presented before a competent court within 24 hours to determine the legality of his arrest and detention.

The SSCSF reiterates its firm commitment to upholding human rights, promoting accountability, and preserving the rule of law in South Sudan.

All stakeholders are urged to prioritize adherence to due process and respect for constitutional rights when handling cases of arrest and detention.