Growing Political Mistrust in South Sudan Threatens Democracy and Good Governance, Says CEPO

In an alarming statement, the Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), Mr. Edmund Yakani, has expressed deep concerns over the continuous wave of political defections in South Sudan. According to CEPO, these defections are symptomatic of a larger issue of growing political mistrust and lack of confidence among the country’s political elites.

Mr. Yakani emphasized that the ongoing defections are directly impacting the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), signed in 2018. He highlighted several key negative impacts of the defections, including a sharp increase in trust and confidence deficit, violations of the permanent ceasefire and transitional security arrangements, and a shift towards radicalism among defecting political elites.

Furthermore, CEPO warned that the current political climate in South Sudan is hindering preparations for the upcoming elections in December 2024. Mr. Yakani raised concerns about the potential escalation of political radicalism and rigidity, which could escalate into deadly violence if not addressed promptly.

In response to these challenges, CEPO is calling on the top leadership of political parties to promote a culture of political discipline and maturity among their members. Embracing internal party democracy, according to Mr. Yakani, can help reduce defections and enhance stability within the political landscape.

The situation in South Sudan remains precarious, with CEPO underscoring the urgent need for concerted efforts to address the root causes of political instability and promote a culture of dialogue and compromise among political leaders.