CEPO Urges National Parliament to Spearhead Inclusive Political Dialogue for Peaceful Elections in South Sudan

In a bid to ensure a smooth and peaceful electoral process in South Sudan, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has called upon the national parliament to take immediate action towards convening an inclusive political dialogue for elections consensus building.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “The national parliament should play a proactive role in demanding the urgent holding of a genuine inclusive political dialogue on elections consensus building before the upcoming meeting of the United Nations Security Council scheduled for April 30th, 2024, to discuss the status of South Sudan Elections for December 2024.”

The lack of progress in the consultations among political parties regarding the inclusive political dialogue has raised concerns about potential delays in making crucial political leadership decisions necessary for the preparation of the general elections scheduled for December 2024, just seven months away.

Mr. Yakani further highlighted the escalating tensions caused by confrontational political debates and divisive rhetoric, warning that such dynamics could push the country towards violence instead of fostering genuine national political stability. He expressed worries over the proliferation of misinformation, hate speech, and calls for violent elections on social media platforms, which are eroding public trust in the democratic process.

CEPO is urging the national parliament to take the lead in averting a descent into violence by facilitating a conducive environment for political consensus-building. The organization stressed the need for the parliament to engage with the leadership of the reconstituted National Elections Commission to ensure compliance with the electoral laws and safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.

Furthermore, CEPO raised concerns about proposals that deviate from the legal framework governing elections in South Sudan, emphasizing that any attempt to circumvent established procedures could have severe implications for regional representation and potentially destabilize the country.

As South Sudan approaches a critical juncture in its democratic journey, CEPO’s call for proactive and inclusive dialogue underscores the importance of fostering unity and cooperation among political actors to ensure a peaceful and credible electoral transition.