Coalition of Opposition Parties Rejects Claims of Receiving Election Funds From National Elections Commission in South Sudan.

In a statement released dated 9th April 2024 by Dr. Gai Chol Paul on behalf of the Coalition of Opposition Parties (COOP), strong denials were made regarding allegations of the National Elections Commission (NEC) having received election funds. Dr. Paul emphasized that such claims are mere propaganda aimed at diverting attention from the urgent need for accountability in South Sudan’s democratic process.

Dr. Gai Chol Paul stated, “There is no reasonable fund received by the NEC. Any speculation of funds without a clear source is a lie and deception. The Parliament is yet to debate the election budget, and the lack of a legal framework and dispute resolution mechanism further complicates the possibility of credible elections in 2024.”

Highlighting the challenging political landscape in South Sudan, Dr. Paul raised concerns about the prevailing inter-communal violence, the presence of militia groups, and the lack of free civic and political space essential for democratic processes. He also pointed out instances of intimidation faced by opposition leaders, hindering their ability to exercise their political rights.

Furthermore, Dr. Paul shed light on the dire economic situation in the country, emphasizing the financial bankruptcy causing immense hardships for citizens. With civil servants and organized forces not receiving salaries for seven months, families struggling to meet basic needs, and businesses facing closure, the urgent need for a comprehensive humanitarian response was stressed.

Dr. Paul urged the United Nations to recognize the humanitarian catastrophe in South Sudan and called for international intervention to address the critical needs of the vulnerable populations in the country.