Congenital Defect Discovered in Neonate Born at Yida PHCC Maternity Department

(Photo by Dr. Kur Bol )

On April 10, 2024, a newborn was delivered at Yida Primary Health Care Center, raising concerns due to a congenital defect detected during birth. The baby, born to a first-time mother from Aliiny County, presented with an omphalocele, a birth defect where abdominal organs protrude from the navel. The delivery, a spontaneous vaginal birth by breech presentation at 38 weeks, occurred at 7:30 am with the presence of anterior frontal head swelling and intestinal drill out defect.

When asked about her antenatal care, the mother mentioned visiting Panrieng Hospital for ANC check-ups three times. She disclosed taking folic acid for three months and denied any chronic illnesses, long-term medications, or history of complications during the pregnancy. Notably, no blood grouping or blood serology results were recorded in her ANC card, and there is no family history of similar conditions.

Following the challenging birth, the medical team at Yida PHCC provided 30 minutes of resuscitation to the newborn until signs of recovery were observed, resulting in Apgar scores of 6/7/9. Pre-referral management was promptly initiated, and the baby was transferred to Panrieng Hospital for surgical intervention and further treatment. The need for additional blood serology testing was highlighted to assess the overall health of the infant.

Dr. Smith, a pediatrician at Yida PHCC, stated, “Cases like these require immediate attention and specialized care. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the newborn, providing necessary support throughout the treatment process.”

While challenges lie ahead for the infant and the family, the medical staff at Yida PHCC remain dedicated to offering comprehensive care and support. Further updates on the baby’s condition and treatment progress will be shared as they become available.