Ensuring Trust in the Electoral System: Upholding Fairness in South Sudan’s Elections

By Majur Chol Khor 

In light of recent concerns regarding the impartiality and fairness of the upcoming national elections in South Sudan, questions have been raised about the trustworthiness of the electoral process. Reports have surfaced indicating that some members of the National Election Commission have been observed attending rallies of specific political parties, raising doubts about the neutrality of the commission.

The fundamental principle of free and fair elections lies in the integrity of the institutions overseeing the process. When key figures in the election commission are seen aligning themselves with political factions, it naturally creates apprehension among the public about the transparency of the electoral system.

It is imperative for the National Election Commission to be perceived as an unbiased body that upholds the rule of law and ensures that the democratic process is followed diligently. Any associations or actions that hint at favoritism towards certain parties undermine the credibility of the entire electoral framework.

Furthermore, there have been concerns about the timing and communication surrounding the forthcoming elections. While initially referred to as the “December 2024 election,” it has emerged that voting will actually take place in February 2025. This discrepancy in dates calls for clarity and transparency in informing voters about the election schedule to avoid confusion and misinformation.

To address these pressing issues and rebuild trust in the electoral system, efforts must be made to disseminate accurate information to all citizens, including those in remote areas. It is crucial to engage grassroots organizations and leverage various communication channels to ensure that every voter is well-informed about their rights and the upcoming election procedures.

As South Sudan prepares for the crucial electoral process, it is essential for all stakeholders to work collaboratively towards establishing a level playing field that instills confidence in the integrity of the elections. Upholding the principles of transparency, neutrality, and inclusivity is paramount in ensuring that the voices of the people are heard and respected in the democratic exercise ahead.

Author: Majur Chol Khor

Majur is a Multimedia Award-Winning Journalist, Public Relations Specialist, and Documentary Expert from South Sudan. You can easily connect with him through various platforms such as WhatsApp at +254 796 523 948, email at majurcholkhor@gmail.com