CEPO Urges National Leadership to Address Escalating Insecurity in Abyei

In a recent statement, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) expressed grave concern over the escalating insecurity in the Abyei Administrative Area, highlighting the attempted extrajudicial killing of political leaders as a potential threat to long-term stability and peace in the region.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, emphasized the need for immediate action, stating, “It is not normal for citizens in Abyei to call for the national army to leave their area or community. This level of mistrust and lack of confidence against the national army must be addressed through proper dialogue to nurture trust and confidence for peaceful co-existence.”

The underlying factors contributing to the rise in violent incidents in Abyei, particularly land ownership disputes between different communities, require genuine and sincere resolutions. Mr. Yakani highlighted the importance of addressing land disputes, emphasizing that ownership equates to wealth and can be a trigger for prolonged violence.

Pointing out the silence of national government leadership on the growing violent situation in Abyei, Mr. Yakani warned that it poses a significant threat to peace and stability in the area. CEPO called on the sons and daughters of Abyei to focus on seeking durable solutions through dialogue, rather than confrontational approaches.

As tensions continue to rise in Abyei, it is imperative for all parties involved to prioritize peaceful coexistence and engage in constructive dialogue to prevent further escalation of violence and ensure the long-term stability of the region.