South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Calls for Continued International Support for South Sudan’s Path to Democracy 

By Majur Chol Khor 

In a heartfelt plea to the international community, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa emphasized the need for greater support for Africa’s newest country, South Sudan. The President, who recently returned from a working visit to South Sudan, highlighted the remarkable journey of the young nation and the challenges it has faced in its quest for stability and peace.

“As Africa’s youngest nation, South Sudan needs our collective support to overcome the legacy of conflict and division and to build a prosperous and peaceful future,” stated President Ramaphosa in a press statement.

The President praised the resilience of the South Sudanese people in rebuilding their nation from the ashes of war and expressed optimism for the progress made towards establishing democracy and unity. He commended the efforts of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity in upholding the ceasefire and working towards national security through the formation of a united defense force.

President Ramaphosa underscored South Africa’s commitment to supporting South Sudan’s development and reconstruction efforts, citing the country’s long standing assistance since 2005. He also highlighted South Africa’s role as one of the guarantors of the Peace Agreement and its contributions to capacity building and post-conflict programs in South Sudan.

With elections scheduled for later this year, President Ramaphosa emphasized the importance of ensuring free, fair, and credible polls in South Sudan. He noted the progress made in preparation for the elections, including the establishment of a national elections commission and the registration of political parties.

“The South Sudanese people are working tirelessly to address outstanding issues and pave the way for peaceful and democratic elections. It is imperative that we support them in this critical phase of their journey,” stated President Ramaphosa.

In conclusion, President Ramaphosa called on the international community to continue supporting South Sudan in its pursuit of peace, stability, and economic prosperity. He highlighted the need for investment in social and economic infrastructure and encouraged African countries and global partners to stand in solidarity with South Sudan as it charts its path towards democracy.

As South Sudan looks towards a brighter future, the unwavering support of the international community remains crucial in ensuring lasting peace and development in the region.