CEPO Commends National Elections Commission’s Inclusive Approach in State Consultations

The recent series of consultations conducted by the National Elections Commission (NEC) in the states of Central Equatoria, Lakes, Upper Nile, and Jonglei have garnered praise from various actors, with the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) expressing admiration for the inclusive nature of the proceedings.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, the Executive Director of CEPO, highlighted the significance of the active involvement of civil society organizations, persons with disabilities, youth, and women in the consultation process. He lauded the NEC’s commitment to ensuring meaningful engagement of all national stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of inclusive participation in national civic processes such as elections.

“Elections are a critical national engagement that demands genuine inclusivity and meaningful participation from all stakeholders,” said Mr. Yakani. 

“We urge the leadership of NEC to extend their consultations to include internally displaced persons in various camps, as well as media, faith-based leaders, traders, and even boda-boda riders,’’ Yakani adde.

During the consultations, concerns were raised about the limited time remaining to prepare for the December 2024 elections, as well as issues regarding unrestricted civic and political space. The unification of forces and the constitutional-making process were also topics of discussion, underscoring the need for political leaders to engage in inclusive dialogue to reach a national consensus as required by the provisions of R-ARCSS.

“Political leaders must prioritize inclusive political dialogue to ensure a unified approach towards the upcoming elections,” emphasized Mr. Yakani.

CEPO pledged to continue its domestic observations of the remaining NEC consultations in other states and administrative areas, with plans to release comprehensive reports on the overall findings. The organization remains dedicated to promoting transparency and inclusivity in the electoral process.

The NEC’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and participatory environment during the state consultations has set a positive precedent for collaborative decision-making and engagement with diverse stakeholders.