Women in Media: WIN-IFRA Hosts Inaugural South Sudan Alums Conference

Juba – The Women in News – WAN-IFRA (WIN) organization made history with the commencement of its first-ever conference for South Sudan Alums, showcasing empowerment and unity among female journalists.*

In a remarkable event themed “Empowering Women in Media: Transforming Global Narratives,” the conference, held on June 7, 2024, aimed at building skills, fostering networking opportunities, and enhancing professional growth for women in the media industry.

Honourable Angelina Teny, Minister of Interior, unveiled the WIN South Sudan Chapter during the conference, marking a significant milestone for the organization. She commented, “Empowering women in media is not just a noble cause but a necessary step towards a more inclusive society.”

Honourable Atong Majok Kur, Chairperson of the Media Authority’s Board of Directors, shared her compelling journey in the Media Lounge. She remarked, “Supporting women in media paves the way for diverse narratives and enhanced representation in the industry.”

The conference delved into critical topics such as Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) and the pivotal role of Empowering Women Journalists as Agents of Peace and Security, aiming to elevate women’s roles within the media landscape.

Celebrating the graduation of South Sudan Alums from 2019 to 2023, the current batch is poised to graduate by the end of 2024, highlighting the continuous growth and impact of WIN in South Sudan.

Adia Jildo, the session moderator, emphasized the importance of providing a platform for women journalists to connect, learn, and advance in their careers. “Events like these not only empower individuals but also empower the industry as a whole,” she stated.

The conference witnessed a gathering of esteemed attendees and supporters from various organizations and institutions, reflecting a shared commitment to advancing women in media in South Sudan and beyond.

The WIN-IFRA conference set a new standard for advocacy and empowerment, paving the path for a more inclusive and representative media landscape in South Sudan.