CEPO Disappointed by MP’s Warning Against Anti-Corruption Efforts

In response to the statement made by Hon. John Agany, a SPLM MP, suggesting that cracking down on corruption could fuel rebellion during the peace implementation process, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization  (CEPO) expressed strong dismay and disappointment.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, emphasized the critical role that corruption plays in inciting rebellion and perpetuating crimes against humanity. He highlighted the contradiction inherent in supporting corruption while the nation suffers significant financial losses due to corrupt practices under the guise of peace agreement implementation.

Yakani pointed out that corruption extends beyond monetary mismanagement, encompassing the abuse of power, lack of transparency in budget expenditures, and the suppression of people’s freedoms. He underscored the gravity of corrupt actions, labeling them as crimes against humanity.

In a call to action, Yakani urged Hon. John Agany to retract his statement, which undermines the legal frameworks established to combat corruption in both government and non-government sectors. He stressed the importance of upholding anti-corruption efforts in order to foster accountability and transparency in the country.

CEPO remains committed to advocating for good governance and accountability, and stands firm in its belief that tackling corruption is essential for building a sustainable and peaceful future for South Sudan.