Political Parties Council Takes Bold Step Towards Gender Equality and Inclusion

In a recent development, the Political Parties Council has announced a groundbreaking decision that could have far-reaching impacts on gender equality and inclusion in political parties. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, applauds the move and urges for further action to ensure meaningful representation for women, persons with disabilities, and youth.

Yakani commends the decision, stating, “If you want to see meaningful women participation in public life or in the government, it starts at the point of how much meaningful women are being impressed in the political parties.” He stresses the importance of ensuring women’s participation and representation within political parties before assuming office in the state.

The Executive Director of CEPO also calls for the development of an instrument to assess political parties’ commitment to enforcing the minimum 35% participation for women. He emphasizes the need for proactive measures to enhance diversity and inclusion within political parties.

Yakani’s words reflect a broader sentiment of support for the Political Parties Council’s decision to potentially deregister parties that do not meet the 35% threshold for women. The call to action extends to leaders of political parties, urging them to take responsibility and enforce meaningful participation and representation of persons with disabilities and youth.

With these recent developments, there is hope for increased gender equality and inclusivity within political parties, paving the way for a more diverse and representative government in the future.