Rumbek North Community Engages in Peace Talks with High Committee for Greater Bahr El-Ghazal Region

In a significant step towards peace and reconciliation, the Rumbek North (Pakam) Community of Lake State engaged in constructive discussions with the High Committee for Greater Bahr El-Ghazal Region at the Glory Regency Hotel in Juba. The meeting aimed to address the pressing issues faced by the local community and foster unity among the various groups.

During the engagement, Retired Archbishop Dr. Daniel Deng Bul emphasized the importance of national unity, stressing that the nation must come together to live in peace, harmony, and love. He highlighted the need for collective efforts to resolve conflicts and promote stability in the region.

Honorable Daniel Deng Monydit, Member of Parliament representing Rumbek North, underscored the significance of building a united nation based on harmony and cooperation. He emphasized that progress and development can only be achieved through peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.

The discussions touched upon shared challenges faced not only by the Rumbek North community but also by other sections of the Greater Bahr El-Ghazal Region. Participants expressed optimism about the potential for collaboration and dialogue to pave the way for lasting peace and prosperity in the region.

Overall, the meeting symbolized a crucial step towards conflict resolution and reconciliation, underscoring the importance of unity and cooperation in overcoming challenges and building a peaceful nation.