National MP Peter Mayen Majongdit Criticizes Finance Minister, Calls for Salary Before Christmas

By Majur Chol Khor,

In a scathing Facebook post, National Member of Parliament Peter Mayen Majongdit expressed his disappointment with the current serving national Minister of Finance, Dr. Barnaba Baak Chol, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning. Majongdit described Dr. Baak as the “most failure minister of finance” he has ever seen in South Sudan.

Majongdit accused Dr. Baak of presiding over a corrupt system, stating that his reform agenda had only resulted in further corruption. He criticized the minister’s theories and unrealistic approach, emphasizing that the South Sudanese people were suffering while institutions remained dysfunctional.

However, amidst his criticism, Majongdit also highlighted his own personal concerns, stating that he needed his salary before the Christmas season. He concluded his post by invoking an old Dinka proverb, “àchabärnyìn bàny Apuok,” which translates to “God bless South Sudan.”

The Facebook post has garnered significant attention, with many South Sudanese citizens expressing their agreement with Majongdit’s sentiments. Some have called for a thorough investigation into the alleged corruption within the Ministry of Finance, while others have voiced their support for Majongdit’s plea for timely payment of salaries.

Dr. Baak’s office has not yet responded to the criticism, but it is expected that the Minister of Finance will address the concerns raised by Majongdit and the public in due course.

As the situation unfolds, South Sudanese citizens eagerly await a response from the government and hope for a resolution that addresses both the alleged corruption and the timely payment of salaries.