CEPO Strongly Condemns Deadly Attacks in Twic County, Warrap State

Athouy Ayouk and Ayuok villages in Twic county, Warrap state, were attacked on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024, resulting in the loss of five lives and several injuries. 

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has strongly condemned these attacks, labeling them as unacceptable acts of revenge following the killing of the Abyei Deputy Chief Administrator on December 31st, 2023.

“It is disheartening to witness the cycle of revenge and violence perpetuated by the conflicting parties. This dangerous trend only fuels more atrocities among the Twic Mayaradit and Abyei communities,” stated Mr. Edmund Yakani.

He emphasized that resorting to violence as a means of resolving communal conflicts is detrimental and must be stopped immediately by both parties.

Calls for an independent investigation into the killing of the deputy chief administrator of Abyei have already been made. However, the retaliatory attacks are only escalating tensions and calls for further violence between the conflicting parties.

The current deadly violence in Twic Mayaradit and Abyei communities necessitates urgent intervention from the national government. The potential for further deadly clashes in the area is alarmingly high. 

Mr. Yakani urged the president to convene a meeting with the leaders of the conflicting communities to address and prevent further armed revenge attacks.

Furthermore, CEPO is calling upon faith-based leaders in the country to exert their influence and advocate for a genuine and concrete resolution to the violence between Twic Mayaradit and Abyei. 

The organization is urging all faith-based groups to mobilize and travel to the affected areas in order to prevent the occurrence of more deadly armed revenge attacks.

The situation in Twic county is increasingly dire, and immediate action is required to prevent further loss of life and the escalation of violence.