A Step Towards Freedom, But More Work Remains

The recent release of Rapeal Juma Zacharia from detention is indeed a cause for celebration. The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) had tirelessly advocated for his release, and it is heartening to see that our efforts have paid off. However, while we appreciate this positive response to our advocacy and lobbying, we must not forget about the other three activists who are still detained.

Peter Ajak Biar, Morris Mabor, and Simon Yan in Renk County are still awaiting their freedom. It is crucial that we continue to push for their release with the same determination and urgency that we did for Rapeal Juma Zacharia. These activists have dedicated their lives to promoting and protecting freedom of expression and other human rights values. They deserve to be free and to have their voices heard.


Promoting and protecting these rights is not just a matter of principle; it is essential for the development of a democratic society that embraces peace and political stability. A state and government cannot truly claim to be foundational if they do not allow their citizens to fully enjoy their human rights values. When freedoms and rights are restricted, citizens begin to see the state and government as obstacles to their growth and development.


As the Executive Director of CEPO, Mr. Edmund Yakani, rightly emphasizes, it is imperative for the political leadership of our country to embrace a democratic culture of state development. This means operationalizing the social contract between the government and its citizens, allowing for open dialogue and the free expression of ideas. Only through such inclusivity can we build a society that is truly democratic and just.


CEPO urges the political leadership to lift any restrictions on freedoms and rights and to create an environment that fosters open and constructive dialogue. It is only through this commitment to democratic values that we can truly progress as a nation.While we celebrate the release of Rapeal Juma Zacharia, let us not forget about the other activists who are still detained. Their freedom is just as important, and we must continue to fight for their release.