Advancing Peace and Security in South Sudan: A Call for Continued Support and Recognition of Progress

In a recent statement, Dabek Mabior Arok, the Chairperson of South Sudan Civil Society Alliance and Member of CTSAMVM Board, highlighted the importance of advancing peace and security in South Sudan. He expressed gratitude towards the efforts of the people and government of the Republic of Kenya for their investment in peace talks that led to the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) in Naivasha on January 9, 2005.

“We are grateful for the support that has been extended to the people of South Sudan in their quest for independence and peace,” said Mabior Arok. “The signing of the CPA paved the way for our independence through a fair and peaceful referendum in 2011.”

Mabior Arok also commended the High-Level Mediation Tumaini Initiative for South Sudan, emphasizing the need for political and social support to ensure lasting peace in the region. 

“We are closely following the progress of the Tumaini Initiative with hope and passion, as it holds the key to stability and peace in our country,” he added.

Regarding recent concerns raised by H.E, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, Mabior Arok stressed the importance of recognizing and building upon existing peace agreements. 

“The Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) should be acknowledged and the Tumaini Initiative should aim to complement and strengthen its provisions,” he stated.

Mabior Arok also underscored the need for addressing gaps and challenges in the implementation of the 2018 peace agreement. 

“The Tumaini Initiative must focus on overcoming obstacles and creating an inclusive environment for successful elections at the end of the transition period,” he concluded.

As South Sudan continues on the path towards peace and security, support and recognition of past achievements will be crucial in ensuring a sustainable and stable future for the country.