Alleged Counterfeit Money Scandal in Western Equatoria State Revealed as a Setup

In response to the recent allegations of a counterfeit money operation being run from the office of Governor H.E. Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo Karaba in Western Equatoria State, a statement has been issued by Alex Daniel Digi, the Press Secretary of the Governor’s Office.

Mr. Digi clarified, “The suspects were arrested in an unfinished building owned by the Governor where the illegal activities took place. The two individuals apprehended are indeed officers in the Governor’s office; however, this incident is an isolated case and does not reflect the administration of the Governor’s office.”

He further expressed, “This was a set-up orchestrated by certain individuals with malicious intent to tarnish the reputation of the Governor and his leadership within the State.”

Acknowledging the efforts of the National Security personnel in addressing the issue, Mr. Digi commended their commitment to combating crimes and urged for a thorough investigation into the matter to ensure that the true culprits face the consequences of their actions.

The Governor’s Office in Western Equatoria State remains committed to upholding transparency and accountability, and urges the public to await the results of the ongoing investigation before passing judgement.