Balanda Community Urges Immediate Action for Safe Return of Missing Youth

By Denilson Deneki

In a heartfelt condemnation letter addressed to the Azande/Avungara of Greater Tombura, the Balanda Community expressed deep concern over the disappearance of Ferdinando Minisare, a dedicated youth and police officer in Tambura County. The young man set out to buy food for his children but vanished under suspicious circumstances, raising fears that he may have been kidnapped by Avungara militias.

“We are appealing to the conscience of our fellow community members to release Ferdinando Minisare promptly. His family is distraught and our community is deeply troubled by his sudden disappearance,” said Henry Bangada Assaya, Chairperson of the Balanda Community Youths.

The Balanda Community is calling on government authorities within South Sudan and abroad to take urgent action to secure the safe return of Minisare. The community leaders emphasized their commitment to peace and stability in the region, urging the deployment of security forces to enhance security in Tambura County.

“The safety and well-being of our people is paramount. We cannot allow the perpetuation of violence and insecurity in our communities. It is imperative that swift action is taken to locate and rescue Ferdinando Minisare,” added Assaya.

The Balanda Community highlighted the failures of the local administration to ensure peace and security in Tambura County, pointing to past incidents of violence and assassination that have plagued the region. They stressed the need for investigation into the killings of innocent individuals and called for accountability and justice for the victims.

As the search for Ferdinando Minisare continues, the Balanda Community remains steadfast in their pursuit of peace and justice, appealing to all stakeholders to join hands in ensuring the safe return of their missing youth.

Reacting to the strong accusations made by the Balanda Community in their recent press release regarding the disappearance of Ferdinando Minisare, the Azande Youth Association issued a comprehensive response, shedding light on the perceived propaganda and misinformation surrounding the incident.

In a statement released by Mr. Migbiakumba John, Chairman of the Azande Youth Association, the Azande community categorically denied any involvement or association with the alleged kidnapping of Minisare by Avongara Militias. The Association emphasized that such claims are baseless and part of a calculated effort to tarnish the image of the Avongara royal clan, which holds significant cultural and historical importance within the Azande Kingdom.

“We, the Azande Youth, condemn this propaganda in the strongest terms and refute the baseless claim that Mr. Ferdinando was kidnapped by the Avongara Militia in Rii Yubu,” stated Mr. John, highlighting the unity and harmony that exist among the Azande people under the leadership of His Majesty King Atoroba Peni Rikito Gbudue.

The Azande Youth Association further criticized what they perceived as a deliberate attempt by the Balanda Community to sow division and discord within the Azande community by falsely implicating the Avongara clan in acts of violence and conflict. They asserted that the longstanding relationship between the Azande people and the Avongara rulers is rooted in mutual respect and historical tradition, which cannot be undermined by external forces seeking to disrupt the harmony.

Addressing the allegations raised against Mr. Henry Bangada Assaya of the Balanda Community, the Azande Youth Association called for a thorough investigation into his statements, accusing him of inciting violence and spreading false accusations against the Avongara royal clan. They urged law enforcement agencies to intervene and hold accountable those individuals who are attempting to instigate unrest and create friction between different ethnic groups in the region.

In conclusion, the Azande Youth Association reiterated their commitment to peaceful co-existence with all communities in South Sudan, emphasizing that they do not support violence and do not harbor any militia activities. They affirmed their right to self-defense while advocating for unity and cooperation among all tribes within the Western Equatoria State.

The unfolding narrative surrounding the disappearance of Ferdinando Minisare underscores the complex dynamics and inter-ethnic tensions that exist within the region, highlighting the importance of dialogue, understanding, and a commitment to resolving conflicts peacefully for the well-being of all communities involved.