Canadian Envoy Urges South Sudan to End Child Soldier Recruitment

By Denilson Denike

The Canadian Ambassador to South Sudan, Aly-Khan Rajani, has called on South Sudan authorities to reflect on the values that led to the country’s fight for independence and to cease the recruitment of child soldiers. Speaking at a celebration in Juba, Ambassador Rajani emphasized the importance of upholding values such as freedom, democracy, human rights, and self-determination.

The National Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Commission, in partnership with UNICEF, UNMISS, and the Dallaire Institute, commemorated the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers on February 12. The theme of the day was “By My Handprint, I Say No to the Recruitment of Children as Soldiers,” aiming to raise awareness and strengthen efforts to end the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts.

Mr. Oluku Andrew Holt, the National Coordinator for Child DDR in NDRRC, highlighted the need for support to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers in South Sudan. He emphasized the protection of children as a priority and called on all South Sudanese to advocate for the global campaign against the recruitment of child soldiers.

UNICEF South Sudan’s Child Protection Officer, Ajang Joseph Deng, who is also a former child soldier, urged the South Sudanese government to discourage the recruitment of children in the armed forces and to address the six grave violations of child rights. He noted that UNICEF, in partnership with the government, has reintegrated or unified over 4,000 children in South Sudan, but emphasized the need to prevent further recruitment of child soldiers.

Deng shared his personal experience as a former child soldier, highlighting the challenges and dangers associated with being recruited at a young age. He called on the government to take action to discourage the recruitment of children in the armed forces and ensure the protection of their rights.

The Canadian envoy’s call and the commemoration of the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers underscore the importance of addressing the issue of child soldier recruitment in South Sudan and working towards a future where children are protected from the horrors of armed conflict.