CEPO and Partners Pioneer Sign Language Education with Launch of National Center in South Sudan

Amidst a spirit of inclusive and empowerment, on 8th May 2024, an unprecedented milestone is set to be achieved as the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), collaborating with Light for the World-South Sudan and the South Sudan Association of Hearing Impairment, unveils the nation’s inaugural center dedicated to learning sign language. Dubbed as the “Sign Language Centre-SLC,” this groundbreaking initiative aims to facilitate access to sign language education for individuals seeking to enhance their communication skills and foster inclusive within the society.

Mr. Edmund Yakani, Executive Director of CEPO, emphasized the significance of learning sign language in contemporary society, stating, “Embracing the art of sign language is pivotal for nurturing an inclusive society in South Sudan. As our country aligns with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) since 24th February 2024, the establishment of this center marks a crucial step towards weaving inclusivity into the fabric of our nation.”

Speaking on the practical implications of the new center, Ms. Sophia Mohammed, Country Director of Light for the World in South Sudan, highlighted, “The introduction of the Sign Language Centre is a tangible manifestation of the UNCRPD and its optional protocol. By empowering individuals with the tools to communicate inclusively, we pave the way for a more equitable and understanding society.”

In a bid to maximize accessibility to sign language education, CEPO and Light for the World have devised strategies to streamline enrollment processes, with a primary focus on public institutions such as police departments, judiciary systems, universities, schools, and public hospitals. 

Nema Juma, Communication and Advocacy Officer of Light for the World in South Sudan, affirmed, “Our concerted efforts aim to democratize the learning of sign language, ensuring that it is readily available to all who seek to broaden their communication horizons and foster a more inclusive community.”

As South Sudan embarks on this pioneering journey towards promoting sign language education and fostering inclusivity, the launch of the National Sign Language Centre stands as a beacon of progress, heralding a future where communication knows no barriers and unity thrives through understanding and acceptance.