CEPO Applauds President Kiir for Successful Meeting with Sudanese Leader

The Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) has expressed its support for the recent meeting between South Sudan President Salva Kiir and Gen. Mahammmed Hamadan Daglo of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Kampala-Uganda.

CEPO’s Executive Director, Mr. Edmond Yakani, described the meeting as a positive step and expressed the organization’s hope that President Kiir would also meet with Gen. Abdul Fattah Al Burhan of the Sudan Army Forces (SAF).

Yakani emphasized the importance of South Sudan’s political leadership taking an active role in promoting peace dialogue among the conflicting parties in Sudan. 

He stated that the violent situation in Sudan directly impacts South Sudan’s political stability and security, and that the conflict in Sudan is a regional concern for peace and security.

During the meeting in Kampala on January 20, 2024, President Kiir called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between the warring parties in Sudan. The President reiterated his government’s commitment to supporting the IGAD-led peace process and urged General Daglo to accept dialogue as a means to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Sudan.

Yakani also highlighted the need for the protection of persons with disabilities in Sudan and emphasized that humanitarian interventions should effectively address their needs. He stressed that any attempts to seek a peaceful solution to Sudan’s political instability should be inclusive, with all Sudanese constituencies directly involved in the mediation process.

President Kiir also appealed for the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors to ensure that basic services reach the Sudanese people.

CEPO is urging South Sudan’s political leadership to appoint a special envoy to Sudan who is impartial and can effectively represent the interests of South Sudan in the ongoing peace process.